


Our festival features a Main Stage, hosting headline performances and key acts that unite all attendees in a shared experience. Additionally, four regional stages will highlight Africa’s diverse cultures:

◊ Eastern Africa Stage
◊ Western Africa Stage
◊ Southern Africa Stage
◊ Central Africa Stage

Each regional stage will be surrounded by food vendors, arts and crafts stalls, and interactive spaces representing the region’s culture.

Traditional Clothing Competition

Show off your cultural pride in our Traditional Clothing Competition!

How It Works:

Participants from each region (Eastern, Western, Southern, and Central Africa) will compete to showcase their most stunning and authentic traditional attire.

A panel of judges will assess creativity, authenticity, and presentation.


Regional Winners: Each regional winner will receive a cash prize of £250.

Overall Winner: One outstanding participant, selected from the regional winners, will win the grand prize of £500!

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